Eat Healthy Food & Lose Weight

Eat Healthy Food & Lose Weight

Lifesum’s long been the gold standard in lifetracking, and for good reason. For an app that basically confronts you with your terrible life choices head on, it makes you feel good about the positive changes you make and generally does an excellent job of showing you why it’s not cool to eat waffles for breakfast every day, or spend your weekends refining a bespoke bum imprint in your sofa.

Track your diet

There’s no hiding any more. Seeing your breakfast, lunch, dinner (and any snacks you consumed in between) all compiled into one daily list makes you think and hard about what you eat, and when. Especially when you look back across a whole week and realise the only greens you’ve eaten came deep fried in batter.

Exercise more

The dream is at least 30 minutes’ brisk movement a day; the reality is likely to be rather less. Keep track of your movements in Lifesum and it calculates the calories you’re burning depending on the activity. Half an hour’s medium-paced walking burns 143 calories, for example. That’s almost a latte.

Stay hydrated

Drinking lots of water is among the easiest ways to keep healthy, but also one of the easiest things to forget about. Track your consumption in Lifesum and you’ll see whether you’re drinking enough. Plus, there are little tips such as urging you to drink a glass or two of water before a meal to help control portion sizes.

– Apple, Thursday 19th April 2018

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